Wow… applied May 29th. Got my form letter back in July to say they had my application. Have not received anything else since then meaning no phone calls or letters. Online says “In Progess”. Called them today to see what is going on. Girl on phone said " Yes they have my application, it is past the 120 days and for me to call back in 15 business days (Dec 20th) for a RESTATUS UPDATE. Can someone tell me please if when they check their CPP information online can they see the tabs “payment information” and “direct deposit”. If so this is what I see… is this normal?
I Checked payment information which says: “You can view your amounts for the last two years for CPP. If you are in receipt of OAS, only your most recent monthly payment is displayed.” and nothing else.
Checked the direct deposit tab and it says "Payment Destination - " It can take up to 30 days for direct deposit changes to take effect. In order to ensure your next payment is sent to your new account, please ensure you provide us with your new banking information at least 30 days in advance of your payment date.The Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security Act require that you report:
a change in your marital status;
the death of a benefit recipient;
a change of custody of your child or children under the age of 18;
your departure from Canada for more than one month;
your return to Canada;
your moving from one country to another
If any of the above situations apply to you, and you have not yet notified Service Canada, you must contact the Department for assistance.Failure to do so could result in an overpayment or non-receipt of benefits to which you may have been entitled. NEW! Did you know you have the option of sharing your direct deposit banking information between Canada Pension Plan and the Canada Revenu Agency (CRA)?
THIS shows my banking information. I am wondering if other people who have applied see this also or is this a good sign I am being processed in finance? Sorry with Christmas coming up and all the expenses living off my credit line is becoming too much and do not understand why they cannot just tell me instead of now making me call back 5 days before Christmas. Thank you.
I don’t think that is relevant.
The inprogress status is relevant.
That section always says that.
Not significant, just means your banking information has been entered.
Mine was there before CPP-D because I received EI.
4 months is the “typical” time it takes, could be longer or shorter.
I don’t know if there is anything to do except keep checking the mail/online for an amount and call back in 3 weeks.
That’s standard for what you’ll see prior to a decision being made. You provided them with your banking info, so it’ll be listed. Usually once an application has been approved, there will be something to the effect of “you are currently in receipt of CPP disability benefits, blah blah…” and an amount and date. Hopefully you will find out soon.
I had all this and I too thought maybe it was good news waited an waited and got our denial
If this is the case we just been through it all and filed our own reconsideration letter and proof we actually won !
Best of luck and don’t give up hope
im in same boat as you ,my 120 days was nov 7th… told me to call back 15 more days wich was nov 30,then told me to call back today dec 5th ,but got a call from nurse yesterday telling me she is sending for 2 more pieces of information ,1 from wcb and 1 from my surgeon ,she is the final step ,im worried to death they keep saying call back ,the not knowing is hard to deal with … good luck
Oh so sorry to hear. I know its pure torture. I went through this also in 2013 as I applied (denied), then appealed (denied), gave up, went back to work which was pure hell. What they did is exactly the same… waited until over the holidays to deny me. They claimed they called me Dec 24th! Which they did not as I had call display. Now I am going through same thing. Very disheartening.
It is very frustrating we have been down this road even if your denied they want u to give up just as they did us and I didn’t I challenge everything I mean all reasons for denial I requested the copies you can get from them and challenged all the reasons for why my husband was denied and never got a call nothing however checked one day and where it says cpp estimates it stated already in receipt of cpp disabilty that’s how I knew we won … never give up even when ya feel you should this site is amazing and offer all kinds of advice . I must of checked this site 10 times a day reading back following on advice what to write what not to write finally I thought at the reconsideration stage to just say the way everyday life was , never got any new info just wrote why we felt my husband should get it etc in the end it was a 8 page letter and we did win !!!
Best of luck too you
Thank you for your reply and the information about where it says cpp estimates. I check daily but nothing still says “in progress” and the normal CPP estimates if I was to retire at 60 blah blah. Its so draining and making me more depressed unfortunately. I just have to rely on support from people like you and try to stay positive. Thanks again.
UPDATE - Was told to call back after the 15 business days so did so this morning. Was told they are 7 months behind! My file just got assigned and is “in Q” as of yesterday with a medical adjudicator (after they determined I had enough CPP years in August and after it was forwarded to Medical Adjudicator office then sitting for 4 months). Told to call back middle of Jan (unless a miracle happens and I hear otherwise) and also told if they want more medical information from doctors, which they do 90% of the time it will then be another 60 days on average. I started my application in March of 2018 which took me months to complete with all the medical information. Mailed it in May. Wow this could really take a year! So the wait continues…and am hoping for a miracle…