Hi I recently had my Tribunal Hearing, and was approved for CPP-D. Does anyone know how long it will take to receive my payment.Got the Decision in Early May, and MSCA is still not changed and still showing the old statement of not being approved.Any Help would be great! BTW Never give up… It was stressful process, but I did it.
Has anyone gone through this? does anyone know what happens after?
Not sure how long. But you will receive a lump sum payment and monthly payments soon to the account that you provided to Service Canada. Shouldn’t take too long. No worries.
If you have questions about your pay you can call Service Canada.
Thank You Elaine, Yes I have called, they said they cant tell me anything… said they have up to 90 days.
Did you receive a Notice of Entitlement or CPP-D payment explanation letter?
I was approved on September 12. Received CPP- D payment explanation letter dated September 21. Then a Notice of Entitlement was dated November 4 and my Service Canada account shows lump sum deposit on November 10 and first payment on November 29.
Hope this helps.
I received nothing, other then the email stating the tribunals decision.That was first week in May
They could be a little backed up due to short staff, adjustments with Covid-19, etc. You did the right thing with calling into Service Canada, definitely follow up if they don’t get back to you within the 90 days!