I think if you want them to pay for it, you have to see theirs.
There a lot of things you need to do though (I forget but I’m sure someone will chime in).
Hi RaptorsFan, It’s wonderful that the insurance company is paying for psychological treatment as part of your rehab! These sessions can cost from $150-$200 an hour and very few people can afford to pay out of their own pocket.
I think insurance companies realize that trust and a fit is very important in order to benefit from psychological treatment. I know that at least some of the largest Canadian LTD insurance companies do not require you go to a specific clinic or psychologist of their choice. The psychological treatment they are suggesting is NOT an independent medical evaluation and the psychologist’s first duty is to you. The psychologist will need to provide regular reports to the insurance company just like your other treatment providers and medical doctors provide reports. Allyoops had a nice quote somewhere about not being too naive!
Your insurance company may have asked you if you have a preferred psychologist or have received treatment from somebody in the past that you would like to see. If so, often they will contract with that person you want to see as long as he is qualified and will provide the recommended treatment and reporting.
My suggestion is that you find out what kind of psychological treatment the insurer has suggested. Do your own reasearch and try to find the best psychologist that will meet your needs. Try to talk to the psychologists at least over the phone and then get back to the insurance company with a suggestion of who you would like to see. Make sure this person is a registered psychologist and very experienced. I would not discount or eliminate the clinic the insurance company has suggested as they have access to some of the very best people. Make sure there is a fit and that you trust the person to work in your best interest.
Go in good faith but not blind faith. The psychologist can be checked on RateMD’s. There are great psychologists but they also need money to pay the bills.
Any appointment I would use my phone to record–so you can make accurate notes. Just for your personal use and peace of mind. It could also be helpful if the psych writes something in the report that did not happen, was not said…got you confused with another client/patient. Secret recording is just really for peace of mind. You might regret if you don’t record.
You have to got to the psychologist they choose. Most policies give them the absolute right to choose the provider. You would need to check the wording in your policy, but likely that is what it says.
David Brannen
Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal
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