I found the forum because it was shared in my interview blog post

I learnt about this forum because I openly share my life living with a disability on a journey to financial independence retire with dignity, so that I can financially transition out of Ontario Disability Support Program.

I was interviewed for a financial independence retire early blog and someone left a comment that linked to here. The owner of my blog added their comment into my interview questions.

To further emphasize that the Canadian disability system is the maze of the minotaur.

2010 I got approved for ODSP and my lawyer was legal aid. Luckily at that time we did not need to go to tribunal court around 2017 I started to heavily read the ODSP policy so that I can create a financial plan to exit out of ODSP and I started documenting my journey online.

I asked at a discussion panel for the new Canada disability benefit.

“How is someone who is disabled & working supposed to protect themselves from slipping deeper into poverty when the existing disability programs are designed and determine to ruin us emotionally & financially.”

This panel of abled body disability lawyers, economist and tax lawyer do not have an answer.

It fueled me to work towards financial independence. It was created out of knowing I have partial ability to work from home with a digital business. I hope to return to full-time college (major in finance, accounting and entrepreneurship).

I work with a certified financial planner who is amazing at learning the ODSP policy and has thoughtfully given me his opinion of how I could build my investment portfolio and I’ve consultant with my Legal aid clinic they do not have the budget to consultant with me frequently, they said they could only advise me when ODSP has given me a decision in writing, but I was able to maximize my time with them to validate and confirm my knowledge of the ODSP policy with intention of leaving ODSP it is possible in theory now I need to put into action.

I found a financial planner who is independent, runs his own business is not working in a retail bank. That is extremely important as I need someone who is going to give me advice and execute a plan that is around my risk tolerance and also has a heart of teacher and that understands my passion to escape being in disability poverty.

Find a Planner FP Canada has a directory where you can search out certified financial planners and I suggest meeting with a few of them to find out if you like them and want to work with them and have a heart of a teacher.

Disability and financial planning are subjects not openly talked about, and it’s more than having the Registered Disability Savings Plan assuming you are eligible for it. I got sick and tired of ODSP robbing me of my best working-age years, with their predisposed income and asset limitations while scaring me into thinking I cannot change my financial future and propel my disability to progress.


Thanks for posting.

Most people here don’t know much about provincial plans because they went on disability after working and they get CPP Disability (federal) and/or disability from an insurance group plan.
The RDSP is useful information that applies to many people.

Not everyone’s path is the same.

For someone who needs help, definitely a Certified Financial Planner is a good way to go. Make sure they are a fudiciary which means they have to act in your best interests. Never go for a person at a bank, they are only out to make profit. Avoid mutual funds and stick to ETF’s.

Me personally, I learned how to manage my portfolio myself. TD and NBDC both offer self-directed RDSP’s for free. It’s easy to buy ETF’s and re-balance once a year. I spend about 30 minutes a year on my portfolio.

You can also find “fixed fee” personal planners who will help you set up your portfolio and then you can manage it yourself going forward, rather than pay a 1% fee every year. There’s lots of options.

My certified financial planner does not charge me for the RDSP.

My portfolio is mixed with ETFs and low cost mutual funds.

Fun fact I use to work in the call centre registering students for their Canadian Securities Exams so I know the requirements for CFPs and it’s also what I’m taking in college and reading through FP Canada they have to follow a strict code of conduct in the best interest of the client.