I’m wondering if anyone would be willing to share (edited to remove personal details, of course) samples of letters from family members as lay witnesses. I have found a couple of things about this online but my mother is having a tough time knowing what to include and what not to include, as my case is kind of complicated and convoluted.
I’m also looking for example of doctor’s narrative report or letter.
Pm me if you prefer
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I don’t know what that is sorry.
I googled it and this is American: Sample Witness Letters for Your Social Security Disability Hearing | DisabilitySecrets but I suspect it is similar to what you mean.
I didn’t more for CPP-D, LTD was pretty straight forward.
Is this for LTD?
I never had any letters from other people.
Just my description and the latest report from my neurologist.
There was a report from my manager but I didn’t ask for a copy.
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Yes it was for Ltd. We found a few examples and managed to put something together. I’ll see if I can find the links and share, if it can help anyone else.
I’m sure the links will help someone.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi, I had to delete the information you posted. It is ok to put a link out to helpful information but it a violation of copyright to cut and paste it into the forum.
David Brannen
Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal
The response posted above is based on the limited factual information made available and is not intended as a full and complete response to the question. The only reliable manner to obtain complete and adequate legal advice is to consult with a lawyer, fully explain your situation, and allow the lawyer enough time to research the applicable law and facts required to give an adequate opinion. The basic information provided above is intended as a public service only, a full one-on-one discussion with a lawyer should be done before taking any any action. The information posted on this forum is available to the viewing public and is not intended to create a lawyer client relationship with any person. If you want one-on-one advice, please click here to request a free consultation or call toll free 1-877-282-5188 to speak with a member with our disability claim support team.
So sorry about that, i didn’t think of it.