It’s not the norm, but some disability insurance policies say you will have to sign a reimbursement agreement. Unless that wording is in there, you 100% don’t need to sign any forms as long as you are ok with them estimating and deducting.
Thank you. I’ll wait and see what happens. I’ll keep you posted.
Well, I received an ultimatum from my case manager saying “sign the forms or we will estimate and reduce the benefits”. They mentioned that cpp-d money I am supposed to receive belongs to my insurer and people tend to not pay them back.
Why do they worry so much about the retroactive payments that people fail to return to the insurer? Can’t they just deduct them from future payments? What difference does it make?
Can I keep the retroactive amount and tell my insurer to deduct it from my future payments? Will this affect on the way they handle my case?
Does your policy have a clause that allows them to estimate and deduct CPP? If you don’t mind them estimating and deducting then why sign the forms. You can sign the forms and they can cut you off any time after.
They will send a letter out, just wait for that.
What does your policy say? You don’t have to sign those forms -go with your inner voice or what your gut tells you to do.
I would not ask this yet. Wait to see if you are approved and work out any over payment then.
Still waiting for a copy
No, I don’t mind them deducting.
I was thinking if they go to great lengths to secure the retroactive payments then they may not planning to keep me for long
So did your Insurer ever start estimating CPP deduction on you?
No they didn’t estimate and deduct. It’s been 6 month already and my CPP Disability application is still in process.
My case manager just called couple of days ago to see how I am doing and, of course, she asked about CPP-D. Not much I can do at this time. And my insurer seems to be patient too.
My definition is going to change in 7-8 month so they must be thinking about their future steps. Not sure what to expect at this time both from CPP-D and LTD.
Well … I was reading my policy and came across a paragraph which states that each year in January my LTD benefits will be increased based on the changes in the consumer price index. Then I checked all the payments I received so far and there were no increases made at any point in the past. So I sent a letter to my insurer asking to look into this and let me know if they are going to adjust my payments. Still waiting for their responce.
How is it possible that they forgot to adjust the payments? Or am I wrong? Any thoughts on this subject matter?
Do you have a benefit maximum amount? It happened to my husband that they miscalculated his STD and they adjusted a year later–we would not have known.
What do you mean by a maximum amount?
Some policies will pay a percentage of your income up to a maximum amount. ie. 70% of monthly wage -maximum amount is 2500 per month. My spouse is 66% up to 1980. Lousy–no where near 66%
I calculated mine. It is 60% of my salary.
The policy says that they pay 60% of the first $5,000, 50% of the next $5,000, etc. I still have some room left for an increase.
As for inflation, it says that pre-disability earnings will be adjusted to consumer price index.
Mine is 61% (66% of the first $x, 50% of the rest).
Mine is supposed to increase each year too, I hope they don’t screw that up.
You should keep an eye on it. Most probably the increase will take place in January. If not, call them.
I didn’t pay attention up untill now. Well, I thought if they bug me about my CPP-D application status and they are looking forward to get my retro payments then why should I be shy to inquire about my benefits increase to inflation. So I did it
So, I received a letter from Service Canada. It was actually a denial letter with some vague and riduculous reasons. I sent a request to Service Canada to get a full copy of my CPP-D application file to see what they wrote in their notes. I’ve been stategizing here on how to send a successful reconcideration application.
Then it came to me. Why? Why should I win CPP-D disability benefits?
Of course, I read David’s articles on why it is good for you to be approved for CPP-D benefits.
But then I thought that the insurance company will never ask you to do anything that is not beneficial for them. Winning CPP-D benefits will help them to reduce their future payments to you and get retro as well.
My thoughts were about mediation and a settlement that comes after that.
I feel that my insurance company is not going to keep me forever cause I am getting to a 2 year mark. If I happen to sue my insurance company, we mediate and decide to settle then financially I assume I will have a disadvantage if I receive CPP-D payments. Obviously the insurance company will take into consideration future CPP-D to try to reduce the settlement amount.
I can always apply for CPP-D benefits after the litigation is over.
And the employer can use approved CPP-D to terminate for frustration of contract.
David, am I not financially in a better position at a mediation stage after being denied CPP-D benefits? Doesn’t it make the settlement amount higher?
How long does litigation take?
Can you reapply for CPP-D after, might be too long.
I think as long as you don’t return to work you can do late application.
Well, anyways I have 30 years to retirement. I cannot stay on cpp-d for so long. It’s not financially fisible as payments are too low. If ltd insurer decides it is over. How are you going to live on low cpp-d payments only? Eventually you have to find any employment. Which will result in stopping of cpp-d.
I guess cpp-d + ltd scenario is good for those who is close to the retirement or has a condition that will never improve.
I guess you and your doctor have to make a judgment call if you think you’ll improve enough to work.
I would be very careful on relinquishing permanent LTD because you may really want to work, give up LTD, and not be able to work.
I’m beginning to think they deny most people without reading much of the documentation.
Even if the insurer cuts off your LTD later and you have CPP-D, you can sue them to get back LTD.
You have an LTD policy that goes until 65 right? If so you should appeal the denial of CPP-D. You will not likely get a better settlement if you do not have an approval for CPP-D.
Being approved for CPP-D is strong proof that you can not work and will give the Insurer more confidence in offering any sort of settlement, Also CPP-D allows you to try going back to work and if that fails you can speed track back to benefits.
Without an approval of CPP then the Insurer will use that against you and will greatly reduce any sort of pay-out.
My best advice is to appeal and only put the appeal in a week before the 90 days with proof of service from Service Canada.
It will be harder for the Insurer to cut you off if there is an ongoing appeal.