I’m still waiting for a decision on my claim,I got denied for benefits in February and now appealing.My insurance company wanted reports from my doctor&psychologist which they have sent,they did this last week,and my CM emailed on Friday Jan.8 and said a decision will be made in 3-5 days.CM called me Monday asking for doctors records,the doctor gave them to her yesterday,so I got an email this morning saying it will take another 3-5 days for a decision.
Is this the normal waiting time?First time wait 3-5 days,then second time doctor sends in report wait another 3-5 days,in total wait between1-2 weeks for a decision by CM.
Or am I getting the runaround?
I don’t think 3-5 days is unreasonable, 3 weeks each time would be.
This is for the initial claim?
3-5 days isn’t unreasonable,but I’m waiting an extra 3-5 days now because my doctor sent in my chart notes yesterday.This is for my appeal.
This is normal because it takes 3-5 days for the insurance company’s behind-the-scenes doctor to review your medical information and then give an opinion to the insurance company. Thsi is likely what is going on if I had to guess.
David Brannen
Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal
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