I’m Kelly and I was a welder that works for myself. I have had Tom bad knees forever and had MCL surgery and somehow suffered nerve damage during recovery. It happened 4y ago and have now accepted the fact that I won’t be the same and unable to walk stand or sit for any longer than 45min max without laying down (no pain).
My question is I’m from Saskatchewan and the government doesn’t seem to tell you straight out your benefits or the extras you get. For example, you can apply for a water bill to be discounted. Is there any tips to help me? I’ve looked everywhere and found little things here and there. Any help would be appreciated every little bit counts.
Hi Kelly, I’m sorry you’ve joined the disability club… I’m not from Sask but here are some of the things I’ve found. Lots of them are just things individual companies do for corporate contributions, I don’t think there is a central registry…
Federal and provincial governments benefits finder https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/finder.html
CPP Disability
Disability tax credit
Medical tax credit (covers a lot more than you might expect)
Registered disability savings program (has free government grants and bonds if you are 49 or under)
Free minimum chequing account at TD if you have an RDSP (have to renew annually)
Cineplex free companion for movies
Wheelchair assistance for planes and trains (best to pre-order) and pre-boarding and extra carry-on allowances for medical stuff
Telus Mobility for good and Internet for good (provides devices and cheap internet, renew every 2 years)
Discount on municipal property taxes
Depending on your personal financial situation, there may also be low income benefits
Fair Pharmacare (medications)
Red Cross rental program for mobility devices of various sorts
Transit assistance
Various grants and deductions to modify your home
Accessible parking placards, including the city-granted right to park in resident only areas for 3 hours
Some places waive parking fees with the placard
Disneyland provides a return time and a lot of other accommodations if needed