MLA did not submit documents

I have noticed that the MLA did not submit my last medical documents and a letter I had put together. She said she was going to submit it but she never did. These documents are from 2020 via family Dr and the introduction to my psychiatrist. Now I’m worried what wasnt submitted although I would email the mla to confirm if she had submitted the documents i emailed her. She always asked to send her whatever I had and she would submit it. I’de always wait a few days and then reach out to confirm Service Canada accepted it. She always said she submitted the documents but these last ones weren’t but I only found this out by asking asking Service Canada the date of the last submission. I’m actually quite shocked. Or is there somethings the agents don’t see??

Sorry but I am not sure what you are asking or mean. By MLA, do you mean a Member of the Legislative Assembly? That is provincial. I think you may mean MP (Member of Parliament) is that correct?

So you sent you medical documents to your MP, and asked them to submit them to Service Canada? I assume you are applying for CPP-disability and trying to accelerate it because the wait has been so long?

Really trying to piece together the story. You left out a few things!

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@Adam I appreciate the correction “MP”. Wouldn’t that be wonderful if my MP could expedite the decision?! That said it’s been worked out and my medical documents are being submitted. :slightly_smiling_face:

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