Just got gifted a vacation as I’m going through a mental illness in hopes of making me feel better. Is it fraudulent to travel? I’m hesitant to ask directly, but I also do not want to commit fraud. There’s no info to my knowledge of the small contractual letters they have sent with regards to travel and informing them if doing so.
If it is a short vacation -2 weeks or so-then there should not be any issue. I would inform your Insurer that you were gifted the vacation in hopes to help your recovery.
My take, If it says on your policy you are supposed to inform insurance when leaving the country regardless of the time, then you should definitely be aware that if they find out, they will likely cut you off benefits as that is breach of contract.
However, if it is on your policy that you are to notify insurance if you leave the country for more than 30 days, and if your vacation does not exceed that time frame, then, my opinion, you are not obligated to disclose that.
You should take the vacation. My advice is to always be up front with the insurer about the travel. You run into problems (from insurance co perspective) when you are going to be out of the country for months on an annual basis.
David Brannen
Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal
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