Hi, I am on LTD around 3 years and my insurance company stop making payment without given prior notice. I do not have any other income to live with. Does the insurance company legally require to send me any letter of notice before terminating the payment . I always provide them with doctor notes when they ask for it. I am still having my treatment ongoing, and look after by the specialist and family physician for my illness.
No reason at all is strange. Usually it is because they requested forms from your Doctor or asked you to apply for CPP-D. Have you called them?
I constantly received health questionnaires from my insurance company I had to complete part of them and my doctor completed the rest of the questions. My doctor sent them to the insurance company. I always requested a copy. I feel that you should contact your doctor for a copy of the most recent questionnaire from your doctor and with that in hand, contact the insurance company.
While not legally required, it is very bad for them not to give you notice of termination of benefits. This could result in them owing you extra damages for mental distress and bad faith if the termination be benefits was later found to be wrong. Should should appeal immediately and seek legal assistance if you need to file a lawsuit.
David Brannen
Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal
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