I am thinking of giving up. Too much stress

I am thinking of giving up because I am getting worse. I am sick and tired dealing with doctors. My specialist is no longer practicing. Some say he has retired. I don’t know what is going on with him. I cannot deal with this much longer.

Dealing with the insurance company is a huge issue. Too many requests for information. Too many rules and laws. This is like being in prison.

I have to somehow find a way to replace my insurance income. Maybe panhandle. I hope I will continue getting CPP-D if I stop responding to my insurance requests.

Sorry to hear the insurance company is being so bad.
I would talk to a lawyer.
Your CPP-D will continue unless you start making more money than they allow ($5600/year I think, but check).
Best wishes.

  1. Notify your case manager that you won’t be able to take their calls anymore due to anxiety and ask them to communicate directly with your doctors. It will reduce your stress level a lot.

  2. Don’t get stressed so much. The worst that can happen is they will cut you off. You want to quit anyways.

  3. It’s easier to deal with their requests than find yourself in financial need. Then you’ll have to go to work no matter how disabled you are.

  4. Lots of people are not able to get disability payments. It’s never a good idea to give up approved payments.

  5. Just take it easy. Get a hobby that will help you to feel better.

Especially now with all this self isolation thing you should’t be getting many requests.

You can always write on this forum if you feel stressed. You’ll get support from others.


Thank you Elaine and Jammer for your kind words and support. :slightly_smiling_face:

My main issue is my doctors not filling out forms on time. I have to keep asking them to do it and then they take months. :rage:

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Oh, I have the same issue. It takes my doctors 2-3 month to respond to their requests and me constantly pushing them. We are past the deadline all the time. But my case manager knows it’s not up to me. She knows she will get the report sooner or later. So she waits but sends me written reminders by mail. Usually I sit with my doctors and we answer the questions together. They don’t send the report without telling me what’s in it.

I think this is common with a lot of people on disability. Some doctors even refuse to write reports.

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One of my doctors took seven months before he responded to my insurance. I kept pushing him and my insurance kept sending him reminders. This made me more ill. We need a law that say thirty days to respond.

Wow. If your case manager can wait for seven month for a report then you have nothing to worry about lol

She and her supervisor kept sending me letters stating they will stop paying me.

My therapist was the same. He took several months before he responds. Repeat every six months.

***Some doctors do not accept patients who are on STD/LTD.

Most of my two therapists’ patients are on disability. If your doctor expects 100% of his/her patients to be normal then it is time to find a good and supporting doctor. Your case manager may approve that knowing how much difficulty they are having getting reports from your doctor.

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Make an appointment with the doctor for any excuse, when you need it. Do not leave until it is completed.

Get help with a POA to reduce stress, someone will do it for you.

Don’t let them win by giving up, this is by their design.

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Thank you all for your support. I have done all of the above but doctors still fail to do the required forms on time.

I investigated Provincial Government’s disability vs LTD and I discovered provincial Government’s do not require follow up plus all therapy and medications are covered. I am better off being on provincial Government disability.

I am guessing it is like ODSP in Ontario.
It is means tested (ie. CPPD is deducted) and it is not much money.
Maybe other provinces are better.
I would talk to a lawyer before you do anything.

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Thats right jammer it is like ODSP whereby recipients are not required to provide medical updates on an ongoing basis and they are not required to see doctors and therapists monthly. Recipients can also travel abroad as much as they like. I was told no restrictions on travelling.

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There is maximum assets you can have to be eligible to receive this kind of benefits. Make sure you qualify before you quit your LTD.

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Sounds like you’ve researched this extensively and in your unique situation you would be much better off on Provincial Disability (also known as welfare to many people). You could go on Provincial Disability and travel to Europe where you would receive far superior medical care and do this as often as you like. That sounds like a good plan for you.

Because your situation is so unique, it seems highly unlikely to me there would be anyone else on LTD in Canada who would be better off collecting Provincial disability. Folks on Provincial Disability are the poorest, most marginalized and harrassed disabled people in Canada.


Sorry to hear about your situation. I would encourage you reach out to us for a consultation before you make the decision to quit the LTD. There may be other options you could consider or support we could offer to help you.

David Brannen

Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal

The response posted above is based on the limited factual information made available and is not intended as a full and complete response to the question. The only reliable manner to obtain complete and adequate legal advice is to consult with a lawyer, fully explain your situation, and allow the lawyer enough time to research the applicable law and facts required to give an adequate opinion. The basic information provided above is intended as a public service only, a full one-on-one discussion with a lawyer should be done before taking any any action. The information posted on this forum is available to the viewing public and is not intended to create a lawyer client relationship with any person. If you want one-on-one advice, please click here to request a free consultation or call toll free 1-877-282-5188 to speak with a member with our disability claim support team.

Resolute Legal provides different services for those on disability. This is what I read on their website.

Once the insurance company approves your claim, you have ongoing obligations to provide them with information and documents. This continuing obligation to communicate with the insurance company can be one of the most stressful parts of receiving ongoing disability payments. With disability claim monitoring, you hire us on an ongoing basis to handle all communications with the insurance company. We arrange for any updates of medical information they require. We assist you in filling out any required forms. We watch for potential problems and solve them in advance to minimize the risk of the insurance company cutting of your disability payments.


I feel insulted by you post.
I think if you knew what I went through you would have not posted those thoughts.

" Never judge a person until you have walked in their shoes."

Provincial disability is usually means tested so travelling might be financially prohibitive.

I’m sure it wasn’t meant that way.

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