Doctor's and referrals, work returns


My GP is the one who agreed I should be off work. 2 years later and some specialists, I have no solution to the pain and no improvement. Insurer ordered reviews after denying claim for a year and a half. Doctor report agreed I was unable to perform my occupation but could do sedentary work despite all my reports etc to the contrary indicating sitting, standing were pain inducing. Insurer planned back to work meeting immediately following that report. Stated my GP did not send a “rebuttal”. The GP appears to be of the mindset despite my symptoms, etc, if insurer says, you must return and so the return is happening but being asked to attend before any ergo assessment completed for work space and definitely before any equipment received. 1) is this normal? You return without the adaptations in place you need and just suffer through the pain until they are approved?
2) are there specialists etc out there who will go against an insurance report by a doc if they assess you and feel you are not at the level suggested? It seems some don’t want to rock the boat or upset an insurer. Should I keep looking?

That is contradictory.
Is that their IME Doctor?
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Yes, their IME doctor stated I could not perform my OWN occupation, but recommended I should be able to perform sedentary work. Does this help?

And your doctor (GP) just goes along with what the insurer says?
I think you need to find a new doctor that will support you.
The return to work shouldn’t be done until you get the supports you need but is up to your doctor to say that.
If you don’t have a doctor’s support then I think you have no choice but to do what the insurer asks.
I would talk to a lawyer at Resolute.
Best of luck.

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