Disability tax credit- timelines

Hello all Forum Followers/Contributors,

In October I visited my family physician to discuss a possible application for the Disability Tax Credit. He agreed that my numerous physical limitations may qualify for the Disability Tax Credit under the “Cumulative” Effects of my limitations. Approximately one month ago (mid November 2019) my family physician submitted my Disability Tax Credit Application to CRA. A few days ago I noticed on my CRA account that CRA now indicates “We have received your request” under the Disability Tax Credit heading. I was wondering how long it takes from this stage of review before CRA renders a decision on my application. Any answer/guidance would be greatly appreciated.


I don’t know what the current timeline is, I got mine a while ago.
I’m guessing 4-6 weeks.
I think they will adjust your taxes for previous years automatically so get it as far back as your doctor will certify it for.
If you’re under 50 when you get it, open an RDSP to get free (retroactive) money.


Thanks for the feedback Jammer. Much appreciated. I am 60 so no other benefits, just the DTC.


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as jammer said 4 to 6 weeks. Sometimes they ask for more info.

They will only adjust your T1s if you check the box asking them to do so.

My accountant wanted to adjust my T1s themselves for a fee. They were promptly cut out of the equation and the CRA did it :slight_smile:

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It took 2-3 months for mine. Closer to 3 if I remember correctly.