Decision made but with a benefits officer now ? What do they do?

Hi everyone. I had a decision made apparently and then it was sent to a benefits officer a month ago. What is that ? No communication by phone call or letter. The 1-800 number I have called multiple times cannot tell me anything except a decision was made March 9th and that it was sent to the benefits officer. Since nothing shows on MSCA or CRA I’m assuming denied ?
This is for reconsideration. I am past the 2 years on LTD and have veterans benefits such as diminished earning and IRB.
I am extremely anxious over this. The process is long and horrible and not to mention the lack of communication throughout makes it worse.
Any advice ?

I think you are approved for CPPD. There is no reason for your claim going to a benefits officer if it’s not to calculate your monthly CPPD and backpay. For me when I got the call from
CPPD on my initial application it wasn’t the medical adjudicator calling me, it was the benefits officer. She asked me 1 question, if I had gone back to work and I replied no and then she told me my monthly CPPD and CPPD backpay. I would give them a call for an update but in my opinion it looks very promising for an approval as the benefits officer really has only good news to give you.

This is for a reconsideration. When I initially applied I didn’t get the medical documents in on time and then had to do the reconsideration. When I was initially denied they called me and told me, this time they haven’t called at all and it’s been a month since a decision. If it was approved, I still don’t see anything stating that on cra or MSCA. I put in the privacy act for my file and requested a phone call from someone in that department cause I find it odd I’m kept in the dark. I did provide a lot of supporting documents, and stuff through other federal benefits and medical reviews that I went through. Just a very long and stressful process especially if it is just to be denied.

Whether it’s initial application in my case or reconsideration as in your case, if a benefit officer is involved that is a good sign of an approval. The waiting game with CPPD is the worst. I was prepping for that dreaded call from the medical adjudicator only to have the benefits officer call me and give me the approval and benefits info.