Is there a deadline to go to court after being denied CPP Disability? My doctor faxed my appeals papers to the wrong office and they sent everything back to me. This was three years ago. I was devastated and had mental health issues around it all at that time. After much difficulty and courage, med changes and getting better mentally, I am ready to take this on. My physical condition has only deteriorated after they told me it was reasonable to expect I would get better. They were wrong. I am compiling information for a great court case but I fear it might be too late.
The CPP-D website says:
You must make your request for reconsideration in writing within 90 days after you are notified in writing of the decision.
Regardless, I would get a free consultation with a disability lawyer.
Is there some kind of government rule that protects themselves from being taken to court? Taking them to court should not be the same thing as appealing. The filing and appealing process times have come and gone.
I have a rewarding and challenging case ahead of me and I am looking for lawyers that want a rewarding and challenging journey as well.
Thank you.
That’s why you should talk to a lawyer.
I think the government does have rules/laws that would make a judge rule against you.
I am not a lawyer and I think you should really call one.
Yes, there is legislation in place that would prevent you from filing a CPP appeal in the regular court system. There is a special court set up to handle these cases (Social Security Tribunal).
In a situation like yours you can just reapply. Make sure to get a copy of your old application and use all the same dates for disability etc, assuming you have not returned to work in the meantime. No reason you can’t start over.
David Brannen
Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal
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