I’ve recent started a new application for cpp d. I previously applied in 2020/21 and was denied after two attempts. My doctor didn’t do a great job on the paperwork and my health issues were still developing.
With my new application I now have several confirmed chronic illnesses. Nothing terminal. With the combination of illnesses I am unable to work.
In my most recent new application I have submitted completed medical reports from my family doc, and 3 specialists. Each one has indicated that they do not expect me to return to work.
Has anyone been denied even with the support of multiple doctors reports indicating this?
Jammer makes a good point. Know your timelines and make sure you don’t miss anything, i.e. working/contributing to CPP in 4 of last 6 years etc. Yes, take the free consultation with Resolute Legal before you finalize your application.
I was recently approved but waited 8.5 months, its not a fast process. They asked fir my whole file from my rheumatologist and also i had a telephone interview which was quite intense. I wish you the best. Im now waiting on a decision from CRA For DTC.
You should check out our Insiders Membership Area! We have a free course on applying for CPP disability. It has videos and materials to help workshop the application process. https://insider.resolutelegal.ca/