Hi there,
I have a question regarding CPP disability payments. I am applying for the CPP disability and have all of my medical forms filled out by my doctor stating that I have a severe and prolonged disability and unable to work now or in the future. The date of the onset of my disability is January 2017 - as agreed by both my doctor and I (if not before, I have been struggling for 10 years with Major Depressive Disorder, GAD, PTSD, Agoraphobia and Insomnia. However, I continued to try to work off and on during this time unsuccessfully because of my illness (6 jobs in 2 years). That being said, my last day with my last employer was September 2019. When asked on the application when I believed that I could no longer work because of disability, I concurred with the January 2017 which also is in alignment with my diagnosis’, medical records and medications at the time. But because I was not aware of the CPP Disability Assistance, I pushed myself to try to work due to financial strain although I was very sick throughout. Most of my positions only lasted a month to a few months due to the symptoms of my illness and inability to do my job(s) correctly.
My question is this: Is the initial date of disability determined by 1) When my medical records/ doctor/ evidence supports the fact that I was disabled in January 2017 or 2) The last day I worked at any job because of my disability?
If I was deemed to be disabled in 2017, would I still receive retroactive payments for the 11 months after the 4 month wait from the date of the onset of my disability? OR, would I not be entitled to retroactive payments?
Further, with respect to CPP Contributions. If the 6 years prior to the onset of my disability are taken into consideration for eligibility and If I did not contribute for 2 of those years because I was not working and caring for my newborn son will I qualify for the Chid-rearing Provision? If so, how does that work?