What happens if you do go back to your job and your CPP-D is still being processed? What if you’re able to handle being back to work? If you haven’t collected any monies yet from CPP-D do you just cancel your application?
I wouldn’t do anything now.
If you can’t handle going back to work then put that in your CPP-D appeal (if you get denied).
If you can go back to work successfully and you get CPP-D then phone Service Canada then.
Thanks, I’ll know more after Aug. 8th when I speak with my LTD caseworker.
You can suspend or cancel your application at any time. You may consider keeping the application open until you are certain your return to work will be a success and you have physical and mental capacity to earn over $10,000 per year. CPP encourages people to try and work so this is not a bad thing at all.