CPP application question about submitting forms online


Can I submit a paper copy of the main application and later submit digital copies of medical reports/scans/tests/treatments online? I am hoping to do this both ways.
will service canada reimburse multiple doctors for completing the medical report forms? Or just one

I have no idea, call Service Canada and ask.

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They legit said they didn’t know. :joy:

Unless there is a way to add files to existing application with a file number then I doubt they will be able to link the 2.
I would say it is probably not wise to do it both ways.
BUT maybe if you start the application online you get a file number to include with any papers you submit by mail.

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I think the file number is your SIN number?

I don’t think they look at it until everything is there so unless you have an expiring deadline I would just do it together as much as possible.

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Yes, if they request from anither doc they will cover the cost. They requested my whole file from my rheumatologist and Service Canada paid for it. They also paid my famiy doc who filled in my original application.

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