Hi everyone,
I receive LTD benefits from an insurance co via employer and CPP-D. My support network is in another prov. I need their help.
What would a move to another prov do to my benefits coming from the insurer? Do they allow people to move if it’s needed?
I changed cities in the same province.
I think as long as you still have a doctor it would be ok but I’m not a lawyer so I would get the free consult from Resolute: Free Consultation
Moving may prompt your employer to terminate you since it makes it less likely you would return to work for them (public jobs are probably safer).
That won’t affect your LTD but might affect group benefits.
Thanks for the reply Jammer.
I would never be without an md. I can’t. I’d stay put before going without an md.
I suggest you get a copy of the master policy/contract from your insurer, as it will state if there are movement restrictions.
My policy is very generous and states I can leave Canada (with no provincial restrictions) for up to 4 months at a time as long as I am getting reasonable treatment while away. On the other side of the spectrum I’ve seen master LTD contracts that state benefits will be immediately suspended if you leave your province for longer than a month, so moving from your home province would mean your LTD will be terminated.
I’m not sure what the rules are with respect to CPP-D and moving.
It’s federal so moving within Canada should be ok but I would call them to confirm.
Typically, yes you can move to a different province when you are on LTD. As Jammer said, it does sometimes cause problems as it can complicate a potential return to work; which is always the goal while on disability. Please see our article: Can you Travel on LTD and see the section: Can I move somewhere else in Canada while on long-term disability?