Would be helpful if we could get some answers and/or material from caseworkers or adjusters on how they are trained to ‘Delay, Deny, Defend: Why Insurance Companies Don’t Pay Claims and What You Can Do About It.’
Even if they are kept anonymous. There has to be some of these out there with a conscience related to what they put us through.
I doubt they can say.
In my industry (not insurance) it is common to sign away all sorts of intellectual property rights and non-disclosure agreements.
Nothing is truly anonymous.
Feinman explains how people can be more cautious when shopping for policies
I think a lot of us are in group policies so we had no input in what policy the employer buys.
I wonder how accurate a book from 2010 is, that’s pretty old.
I think this forum and @David_Brannen is more useful.
The book is very relevant today. Probably even more relevant here in Canada with this Deny, Delay, Defend mentality in insurance companies.
I was a licensed financial advisor for 20 + years and licensed in insurance, plus I have a 12 year car accident case going, and a LTD case and this book was great for me.
There are whistle-blowers everywhere. I am looking for a few in Canada in insurance. People who left companies. Non-disclosures expire.
There are a lot of stories/cases referenced in the book about people dealing with insurance companies. Some of the issues addressed are the same as in David’s booklet.
Feinman also had several adjusters who worked for insurance companies provide evidence of companies’ tactics and how they were trained using the PowerPoint slides, notes, and training manuals prepared by the McKinsey & Company. These are the kind of things I am looking for now, for my own book and my case.
Also, looking at previous cases that went to trial and have this sort of material used at trial.