About the Disability Insurance category

Post your questions about disability insurance claims. Ask your questions about short- and long-term disability claims, appeals and issues that you face while receiving benefits. Our lawyers will respond within 3 business days.

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My insurance company tells me I have two years maximum LTD benefits. I have been receiving benifits now for fifteen months. They want me to apply for cpp disability. I am sixty one years old, and still feel I can recover from my injury and possibly return to work. I may not be able to return to my previous job or company, but could still be viable in some other capacity with another employer. Should I apply for CPP disability?

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I was hired as a full-time employee in 2009, but in 2011 started working 4 d/wk for medical reasons (vision problems). This continued for several years until I stopped working in Oct 2015 and went on LTD. While working 4 days a week, after exhausting all the sick leave credits in a year, I took the 5th day off as ‘leave without pay’. Can I retroactively claim some form of compensation/disability benefits for this 1 day a week for several years?

I couldn’t deal with this earlier because I was too preoccupied with my health problems. I do have all the doctor’s certificates that I was to work 4 days for medical reasons, but I didn’t find anything directly applicable to a 4d/wk situation in the policy document (there are only some potentially relevant statements about leave without pay and commencement of benefits).

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My LTD claim was denied with Great West Life. I suspect for many reasons you’ve discussed, not great documentation by my GP, inability to see a psychiatrist despite trying everything I and my doctor new to try, referrals, emergency out paitient clinic, etc. My symptoms did become much worse in dealing with the insurance company and the day after they gave me their decision I tried to take my life. That same day I was in the hospital begging a psychiatrist to take me on, hospitalize me, try anything, even electric shock therapy, but I was told no, that my GP was on the right track prescribing new meds, and I was escorted out of his office. I went home and tried to commit suicide because I didn’t know why I was trying to get well anymore. I e since started the internal appeal with Great West Life, and I am still seeing a psychologist and attending a support group for people on the wait list for an intensive day treatment program of 18 weeks, but I suspect after reading your article that it won’t matter. I know have some medical EI coming in which is just keeping my family afloat but I don’t know how I could afford a lawyer for a suite or if it would even be successful. Any advice?

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Most disability lawyers work on contingency for disability claims. You should speak to one.

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My dad is on stress leave, he had to fight to keep receiving his benefits (which allowed him to get treatments). Then it went long-term but the company switched over and cut his medical benefits completely so all he has is OHIP which means no prescription coverage or any coverage for psychological care. Now they have denied his claim again after sending him to an assessment which he said he felt had nothing to do with assessing his disability but more his intelligence. I was wondering if there’s any advice for him? I feel so awful watching him struggle with his mental illness and now with this as well it really is not helping him.

Been fighting for std since march 17 2017 i was denied and i appealed , submitted drs notes counsellors notes one stated i had ptsd even did a independent medical examiner. Was told yesterday sept 28 i was denied as im disabled to thier standard . I have been told my dr , my psychiatrist , and my psychologist im not ready to go back to work. I have diagnosed with major depression and anxiety and cptsd .i am currently during emdr to help with my flashbacks and flooding and my meds are constantly being changed.

A post was split to a new topic: LTD Benefit Amount

Is it illegal for me to record phone calls between myself and my long term disability carrier?

Good day. My benefits just rolled over to LTD with Great West Life. They’re now deducting my CPP survivors benefit (I am a widow) calling it retirement income. Can I dispute this? The case manager is not to be trusted with the truth as recent dealings have revealed.
Thank you for your assistance.