Hello i have a couple questions on ltd if anyone can help that would be much appreciaited.I have been on group ltd for 6months then return to work but failed.Claim is being re assessed.Should i apply for cppd?I read over the application and it seems quite detailed i dont want to fill it out send it in and not have it approved.
Have been at same employer for 12 years.And done the same work for 30yrs dont have much wxperience dping anything else.My fear is losing ltd at 2years and not getting approved for cppd then im in trouble with no job or any other type experience.Should i hire a lawyer to help with cppd application?Should i use the free comsult now or wait to hear back from ltd?
Im very confused and really could use some advice ive never been on disability before and want to get back to my current job but cant at this time.Thanks
You need to answer this about your situation, is your disability severe and expected to be prolonged?
If yes, getting CPP-D should help with the insurance company for after 2 years.
I think there is a huge wait for CPP-D applications now so if you expect to apply eventually then apply now IMO.
Read everything here:
I don’t think a lawyer can do anything until the insurance company says you’re not approved past 2 years.
Maybe the insurance company will approve you.
Thank you jammer for the replies.My condition is most defenitely severe and prolonged been dealing with it my entire life,medications and different doctors over the last 30yrs.Will read the info you shared thank you
You can apply for CPP-D if you want, and if approved it will definitely assist with your LTD claim. It’s up to you. Having CPP-D is definitely a good backup (so you don’t starve to death if your company cuts off your benefits). Chances are, at some point, your LTD company will request you to apply for it anyways. That’s what mine did.
Reading Davids threads wow there is a ton of information here.
Im still uncertain how to proceed.My worry is that if i dont fill the cppd application out properlyi will be denied.I dont have anyone who can help me with this so thinking getting a lawyer to help with application is best?Or should i attempt on my own and get lawyer only if its denied?
Hi PaulG,
You can apply to CPP-D, but my opinion is focussing on making sure your LTD is approved at the change of defintion is the priority.
Has your doctor written a letter stating that you definitely can not return to work at this time because of xyz and it’s associated symptoms? Has your doctor made it crystal clear that you are not able to hold any type of employment at this time? If not, make sure this happens. Doctor letters can get pricey, but well worth the investment.
Have you written a detailed letter to your insurer of why your symptoms do not allow you to do any type of work at this time? If not, you need to do so.
Everyone I know who has taken their time and have competed these two things has had no problem getting approved beyond the changed of defintion.
Hope all goes well.
Thank you.Neither myself nor doctor has written any letters yet.He supports me in being off at this time and has filled out all the forms and sent medical notes and information over the past year to insurer.Is there anywhere on the forum that explains how to put together these letters?Again im nervous of communcating with ltd and sending them anything that would have my claim cancelled.Thank u for the advice
Thank you for advice.