For the people who have faced a termination of their insurance payment. If you decided to fight back and bring it in front of the law. Did the insurance company used people from your entourage like family and friends to testimony against you? Or employees of the health care services?
Thank you
How would they?
I’ve heard of them using ones they pay for to help them deny a claim.
For Health care, did you sign any Authorization to Release forms? I had to sign some for even my Lawyer to talk to my Doctors.
You can ask your Insurance Provider to send you their whole file on you, then you can see who said what to whom.
Yes, it is rare but does happen. Usually, it is a disgruntled ex-spuse or bf/gf that will work against you. There is a famous personal injury case in Nova Scotia where this happened and it was a big surprise. This can happen when the ex-spouse starts calling Service Canada, Workers Comp, the insurance company, etc trying to insert themselves in the process. No to much the insurance company seeking people out, but that can happen too.
David Brannen
Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal
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