Yesterday I was approved for CPP Disability. I hired David and Resolute legal to help me with the case in spite of a huge distance between us (I am in a different province). People kept telling me to hire somebody local. I decided to go for it because of David’s great support of the community. I was denied twice and was not hopeful that I will ever get it as this case is about mental health. David and his team has done a tremendous job getting all the necessary documents. We submitted everything to the Tribunal but they decided to settle before the case goes to trial.
Thank you so much David and the team for all your hard work! This wouldn’t be possible without you!
All the best!
P.S. If you have a difficult case let Resolute Legal help you.
I really want to thank you for your kind words! I also want to point our success rate increases dramatically when we have an engaged client who follows our advice and works closely with us. You were all of those things, in addition to showing great patience with us when this process drags on for longer than it seems it should.
David Brannen
Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal
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