Sunlife LTD - Vacation


I’m on LTD through the government’s Sunlife plan for mental health reasons. My family has had two out of country vacations planned since long before I became disabled. I’m extremely anxious about Sunlife denying my disability for going. Has anyone gone on vacation without any issues? I plan to contact my case manager but I would like to know if this is something allower under the plan.


It’ll state in your policy if you are allowed to leave your province or country and for how long. Every policy is different. I’ve seen a few Sun Life policies that state a claimant can leave Canada for up to 4 months at a time.

I can’t seem to find the policy for the Sunlife PSHCP. Do you know if this info can be found somewhere online?

Most people have to make a written request for the full policy documentation from their insuer or employer.

I’m not sure the Document I found still applies (it’s kind of Generic) and it was online I found it a while ago. I have a copy.
Not sure how to attach it here, please send me email and I will forward it to you.
Also once you find out, could you post what is the answer from Sunlife

Sure, I can do that.

I just sent you a message. Thanks!

Be careful using a generic document found online. I’ve seen policies for the same company change drastically from one year to the next. Some companies also have multiple LTD policies dependant on your pay grade that contain very different terns and condtions.

Theres nothing in there on leave anyway. I was mostly trying to see if anyone on here had any experience with Sunlife through the PSHCP.

Sunlife has approved the vacation for anyone wondering the outcome!

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Great, did they tell you what your policy states for how long you can be out of the country? That way you won’t have to keep asking them.