Why does my insurance want me to go to work therapy after approving me
It is called Vocational Rehab Program and their goal is to get you on “work ready” status. Basically, they are investing in you to get you out of the claim as soon as they can. You have to cooperate reasonably and do what they ask unless there are any restrictions from your caregivers (family doc, specialist etc).
It is a cost containment strategy to ensure the Insurer can stack the claim file with evidence you can work. They might think your claim will go on and on–so that they can stack the claim file is the main goal to support a future denial.
The insurance company has accepted you meet the requirements of total disability at the moment, but they believe with the right treatment, assistance or accommodations you may be able to return to work. Vocational rehabilitation is the first step in determining if you have the capacity to return to work in some capacity. it is a normal part of most LTD claims. You should cooperate with the process in good faith.
David Brannen
Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal
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But not in blind faith!