How often do you receive any communiqué from SC regarding your CPP-D

For those of us who are on CPP-D how often do they (Service Canada) send you anything (mostly generic) for e.g. a letter saying "We are sending you because you have been receiving benefits over a…

1.How long will your CPP disability benefits continue?
2. Tell us right aways if your information changes
3. Future Correspondence

This is the first time I am seeing something like this so I was just wondering if anyone else has received anything and how often.

Thank you!

I was approved in 2022 and I don’t think they have followed up at all.

I have heard they usually send you a letter around your disability month say if you got approved in March 2022 they will send you one in March of 2024.

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Have never got anything from CPP in like 6 years.

Like not even a phone call just to see if you are still kicking around? :joy:

I got my letter five years after being on disability.

Was that like a follow up similar to what i described in my post? I got mine after 2 years of approval and 3 years of disability date.

I got it five years after my disability date.