Direct Funding care ontario

Does anyone no if awarded this program would it affect any incomes from CPPD or LTD. you can scan through the information. I have read this and am unsure what the outcome would be if giving the opportunity to self manage own activities of daily living

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It definitely wouldn’t affect CPP-D.

LTD depends on your specific policy but I don’t think so.
Someone else might be more knowledgeable.

If the person self-managing their own care resources receives funds in payment for the management responsibilities, then it is possible this could be deemed to be self-employment income that could possibly be deducted from LTD. If the money simply flows through to the care providers, then I can’t see how it would be deductible from LTD payments. The issue you run into with LTD is whether the skills required to manage this program would be sufficient to do paid employment as well – my guess is that in most cases being able to manage this program would not necessarily demonstrate ability to do paid employment. It is the kind of thing, however, you want to tell the LTD insurance company about so you are completely transparent with them.

David Brannen

Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal

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Thank you for the clarification on this subject. I cannot decide what is in my best interest. There are no guarantees that I or anyone gets it. I would have to submit detailed information than be invited for an interview. This process can take up to one year to qualify.
Again thank you