COD at 2yrs, and now Manulife Rehab

I am currently on LTD with Manulife. My 2 years is coming up and last month I received notification that my benefits will continue past the Change of Definition (COD) date. I thought this was a good thing…

But a few days ago I received another email saying that I could be a good candidate to receive the services of their rehab dept. I have been stressed since getting that email. It sounds to me like they want to force me back to work before I am ready. I already work with a psychiatrist and an occupational therapist towards that goal.

I don’t understand why they would agree to pay my benefits past the COD date only to push me into rehab a few weeks later? Is this how it’s supposed to happen? I am new to this and don’t know anyone who has gone through this.

What can I expect? I know that I can’t refuse them or my benefits will end but I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed. I have read through the other posts but there isn’t much detail into what this rehab entails… I would feel much better if I knew what to expect.

My LTD is for mental health problems. I feel if they saw the state of my apartment they would know without a shadow of a doubt that I am mentally ill but I have seen many posts that say never to let them inside your home. Why is that? I have been unable to pick up after myself or clean anything, and any time I am stressed or overwhelmed I shut down and stay in bed for days. I don’t think I can return to work right now.

I know all I can do is wait to speak to this “rehab specialist” but the stress of waiting is really taking its toll on me.

Anyone have any insight on what they could possibly want?

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That sounds very stressful.

Insurance is all about numbers. They have decided, based on statistics, that spending several thousand dollars on a rehab therapist for you could pay off dividends for them.

This isn’t the end of the world. Keep in mind, they might pay a Rehab therapist a few thousand bucks to see if you can be put back to work somehow. If it works out, it could save them hundreds of thousands of dollars over the claim. If not, they are out a few grand. Even if 1 out of 20 times works, it is a huge benefit to them.

Ultimately, your doctor determines if you go back to work or not. Still, it is very stressful and this is the game they play. I had to go through that too. The ultimate thing they hope for is that you are uncooperative and then they can cancel your benefits. If you can’t participate in the rehab due to your mental health issues, then you can get your doctor to say that. They can’t force you to participate in a rehab program if you aren’t medically cleared to do so.


Don’t worry, just means they usually want you to get their own therapy who will provide them with weekly updates. Invite whoever they set you up with to come in to see your apartment. I first asked any provider they sent me to if they were acting on my behalf as a professional? I stated that I need to trust them to work with them. It helped that they are bound by their professional standards and principles. I know you feel stressed. But you are not well, and you are being treated and you are deserving of LTD. I ended up going through the rehab for 18 months and then they stopped treating me and it was over. They will generally bug people once a month. Then after 5 years they usually put u in a category that is more of a permanent thing. Before the 5 years they really push for return to work. You don’t have to be afraid because you can’t work and they will see that soon. It gets better trust me I know. You’ll be okay,

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The wait is killing me. At least once I get the call I will know what to expect…

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Have you been approved for CPPD?

No, I don’t think I can even apply. I always planned to go back to work, just not right now.

No one has mentioned CPPD to me at all.

Unfortunately, insurance companies can give mixed messages like this. Sometimes it happens by mistake but often it can just be a person being over-ruled by their manger. The case manager approves, but then gets told “no” but their manager. Or told “did you do the rehab, first”? so that is often what happens in cases like this. We see it all the time. Best you can do is cooperate and let them know about your current OT. Have your current OT reach out to them.

David Brannen

Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal

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Hi everyone,

I thought I would provide an update on my case.

Absolutely nothing has happened. I got the call from the rehab specialist. She asked me a bunch of standard questions but kept insinuating there was no reason that she could see why I couldn’t return to work even though I have been unable to do anything. She then said she didn’t think my occupational therapist was helping since I wasn’t ready to go back to work. So I told her I would send her before and current pics of my messy apartment so she could see there was some progress.

Anyway, she then admitted that she would need to review my file and speak with my case manager. She also said she wanted to speak with my occupational therapist but from what I heard from her they never got in contact. I still can’t believe she would call and tell me I should go back to work without having reviewed my file. I have worked as a case manager before and I read the entire file before calling someone to avoid saying something stupid, or being caught unaware.

Anyway, I sent her the pics and gave her my OT’s contact info. I also know my Dr. sent an updated note saying I couldn’t return to work before March 2024.

And that was it. She said she would contact me back but it’s been months and I have heard nothing.

Make notes of everything that was said and date it. I send myself an email…

Exactly!! Looks like she was pre-judging your situation without all the information.