Case Manager on my back. Opinions please

Not surprising.
My insurance got everything too.
It shows all your doctor visits and your overall medical condition.
I’d rather them have everything and approve me then have a non-insurance person make a judgment as to what is relative.
Sure you could sue if you were denied but if they have everything then maybe it is easier to approve it.

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Many medical practitioners do not send in their notes unless they receive a court order. That makes perfect sense to me.

This one laze doctor sent in all his notes. What a waste since he has failed to help me over the last four years. He does not listen to any of my physical concerns.

I don’t know if mine sent all the notes (he probably did) but each doctor (I go to a clinic=multiple doctors) had to “approve releasing” each record they were involved in which took a long time.
I have digital copies of what was sent on a USB but I haven’t gone through it.
I don’t really care but I don’t have a mental illness.
All I really cared about was getting approved.

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