Thank you for this information, I had no idea there would be no other person assigned to my file. I was just relieved that they’ve left me alone and let me be for a bit now.
My workplace has switched to another insurance carrier in November but has assured me despite this my Ltd and the original company policy will not be impacted. The timing of this email from claims lab may not have anything to do with this and might be because there has been no interactions since last December when I received an email about being approved for COD which occurred 6 six months before the 2 year mark. I just find it all so anxiety provoking,
I was trying to do some research about claims lab and being guarded about anything to do with Sunlife; figured it was some algorithm or AI based program looking to find ways to deny or stop Ltd payments. It looks like it was a pilot project and only a small sample of std and Ltd files/claims were going through this new system. Maybe it’s now what they’re using across the board for everyone.
So they never told you that your file would be moved to Payments? The fact that you got the claims lab email for the yearly update is what would seem to indicate that it would be moved because you move on to only yearly updates when your claim changes to long duration.
If you say you’ve been on ltd for 2.5 years and got approved for COD at 1.5yrs then it makes sense that you’d get your request for yearly review at this time.
I was initially as suspicious as you are when i got the email. I wrote about it here and at the time no one else had received it or knew what it was, so I was spooked. Now that several people who had been doing the paper version have done the claims lab version and report it being no different, I wouldn’t be as worried as i was at the time.
I get the claim lab email now once a year, and it takes me about 30 seconds to answer the 5 really easy questions. About two weeks after hitting the submit button I get a standard email stating “based on your answers to our recent questionaire you continue to be eligible for LTD payments”.
IMHO, claim lab is so much better than having to fill out a paper form and chasing down my doctor to fill out a form that they will charge for. Happy New Year.
The paper form doesn’t require requesting anything from the doctor - thankfully. Sounds like the claims lab version seems pretty simple too. I wonder why they discontinued the paper version entirely, considering they’re the same.
Possiblely AI, or just basic scoring. The questions (mine at least) were pretty basic. For me if I said yes to 1. getting CPP (I’m still awaiting approval) or 2. earning income, or 3. Are you olunteering then that would have prompted further investigation for sure. Also if for the question on the status of my disabilty had I answered “improving” instead of “staying the same” I’m sure that would have flagged me for a follow up request for info from my doctor. I can’t remember what the 5th question was.