WCB or LTD? How to navigate!

Hi, I have been struggling and have just been approved by insurance for long term disability. Just when I felt relieved that I had time and could focus on getting better, I got approved by WCB! It didn’t feel like good news because: LTD was going to pay me while I recover, without pushing me to “rehab”. Now WCB needs me to go their rehab program daily to work 2-4 hours. I feel like they are pushing me to go back to work prematurely.

My question: I would rather just stay with insurance LTD, even though the pay is less, and not do the WCB rehab program. What should or could I do? I was told that when WCB steps in, insurance would rather “let them pay”.

Thank you everyone for your help!

Long term disability or short term disability? Long term approval usually means the insurer has deemed you disabled and unable to work so WCB shouldn’t be pushing return to work?

Disability insurers will deduct any extra income or other benefits from their benefit payment you receive so they don’t have to pay you as much (saving them money). If you refuse to follow through on the WCB rehab, you could lose your insurance benefits for being ‘non-compliant’.

I did attempt my first return to work rehab but my treating doctor and two therapists stepped in for the next two attempts, sending in a letter advising I was not medically fit to participate.

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Hi Marilyn,

Thank you so much for your reply to my question! I really appreciate it! It feels so confusing, alone, and scary in this journey!

I was approved for long term disability, but they told me, as you said, if WCB accepts my claim, it will go through WCB as primary provider, even if I prefer to receive disability from insurance.

It is the WCB rehab program that scares me. Their goal probably would be to push me, but can I refuse if it cause too much pain?

I will try the program. Hopefully it will help, or at least not do too much damage!

Thanks for your advice!

Hi, I think you may be overworrying a bit. I would say go, give it your best shot, if it works out then terrific you are back at work, and even if you can’t get back to work, you will probably find that you are at least able to do more around the house while you are off work which is where I ended up. They want you to get better not worse, just like you do. If you feel that it is too painful or doing harm then talk to them and your doctor about it and they should adjust the program to better fit your needs. Good luck and I hope you heal well!

Thanks, Carl! I will try my best and see how it goes! Hopefully the program can help me get better!