Redactions of master policy

Hello I requested a copy of my master policy. I received it via email with many pages blacked out. Out of 24 pages approximately 8 pages are blacked out. Am I entitled to ask for the unredacted pages? Why would they black them out? Pretty shady if you ask me! Just like everything insurance does I guess!

Maybe it’s unrelated to your LTD coverage or it has names or pricing.
Something confidential.
I’d be going through a lawyer it you need the master policy.
I’d ask them why stuff is redacted.
If you think it is relevant then talk to a lawyer.


I will be speaking to a lawyer most definitely!

Definitely get on record by sending an email requesting the redacted portions, and asking why the pages were redacted.

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I have spoken to a lawyer about the redactions etc. he advised he believed it was definitely odd that they redacted a large portion of it, and the fact it was only part of the policy. I asked if I should request the entire policy again. And he said yes. I did that and their response was, if you need any more contact your employer. I advised them that prior to reaching out to them (my insurance provider) I contacted my Human Resources branch who gave me what they had which was not a master policy. So I advised her again, after seeking legal advice I am requesting the full and complete master policy from them. We will see where that takes me!

Can you get your lawyer to ask for it?
Sounds like you are getting the run-around. :frowning:

Oh…you have no idea the crap I’ve been dealing with! I’m in the process of filing a complaint. (There is a lot ) I’ll see where that leads. I know they do this on purpose to wear people down that are already not feeling their best. It’s their tactic. For anyone who believes in anyway they are trying to help us, they are not. My case manager literally told me she was trying to help me! I wasn’t born yesterday. It was nothing even close to ‘helping’ me! The exact opposite!

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You may want to go also tell your insurer they are required to share a complete copy with you under provincal and federal privacy laws. I wouldn’t tell them you have a lawyer involved, as the privacy laws lose their power under contemplation of litigation, or something along those lines.

It’s really odd your employer doesn’t have a copy of the master policy. They had to of signed it when it was set up. The HR department is either lazy, incompetent, or lying.

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Thank you for this. Unfortunately I did already state I had spoken to a lawyer. I wanted to them know that I have been informed of my rights. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea but I’m just so angry and frustrated with them

I just received a response from my insurance stating they ‘ are unable to provide me with any additional information with respect to my policy inquiry. Like wtf? How are we to comply with it when we don’t know what it says?!

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Are you Ontario, Alberta, or BC? Here is the law around policies needing to be shared with insured person. Ontario specifies group policies.

LTD Policies in Ontario
Insurance Act, R.S.O 1990, c. I.8
293 (1) An insurer entering into a contract shall,
(a) issue a policy; and
(b) furnish to the insured the policy and a copy of the insured’s application. 2012, c. 8,

Sched. 23, s. 36.

(5) In the case of a contract of group insurance, an insurer,
(a) on request, shall furnish to a group person insured or claimant under the contract a copy of,
(i) the group person insured’s application, and
(ii) any written statement or other record, not otherwise part of the application, provided to the insurer as evidence of the insurability of the group person insured under the contract;
(b) on request and reasonable notice, shall permit a group person insured or claimant under the contract to examine, and shall furnish to that person, a copy of the policy of group insurance.** 2012, c. 8, Sched. 23, s. 36.

LTD Policies in BC
British Columbia

Insurance Act*, RSBC 2012, c. 1**

26 (1) On request, the insurer must furnish to the insured a copy of**
(a) the insured’s application or proposal for insurance, and
(b) the insured’s policy.**

96 (1) An insurer entering into a contract must
(a) issue a policy, and
(b) furnish to the insured the policy and a copy of the insured’s application.**

LTD Policies in Alberta
Insurance Act, RSA 2000, c I-3**

531 (1) An insurer must on request furnish to the insured a copy of
(a) the insured’s application or proposal for insurance, and
(b) the insured’s policy.

699 (1) An insurer entering into a contract must
(a) issue a policy, and
(b) furnish to the insured the policy and a copy of the insured’s application

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I’m in Ontario. Thank you very much for this.