RDSP survey about experiences

I got a letter today from Employment and Social Development Canada about a survey about the RDSP.
The only comment I have are the withdrawal rules are WAY too complicated.
I dread turning 60 and trying to make sure my bank does it correctly.


Yeah I filled it out. I got offered at the end to participate in a future online focus group for $75 which I accepted. That is the best way to give your 2 cents.

My main comments were about how the RDSP has not kept up with inflation. Grants and bonds pay the same $$$ today as they did back in 2007 when this was announced. That is unacceptable. They should be bumped up to account for inflation and then they should be indexed annually to inflation like the TFSA.

Hmm where did you get the invitation? More importantly, where’s my survey invitation? :rofl:

The other two comments I would have are that if you don’t realize that you qualify till after you’re 49 you should still be allowed to get government payments for the years up to 49, and income from the RDSP should be taxed at the capital gains rate since it would be capital gains if held outside the RDSP…

I wish I’d said that.
I said something sortof similar but that is way better worded.

I received mail.
I think anyone can go to the link I posted, there is no code and it is anonymous.

Somebody screwed up writing the questions, there was no option to say “full time employee on leave”…