Psychiatric IME


Im currently on STD for complex PTSD and depression.
I have a history of significant trauma both in childhood and as an adult. Im being sent for a psychiatric IME. Frankly, i dont want to give any detail of the trauma. I’m experiencing panic thinking about being asked to detail these experiences. I dont even know how to categorize what happened to me as an adult without giving more detail than i want to. This just feels incredibly intrusive. The only person i have ever told what happened to me is my therapist and that took 4 years of therapy before i told her.
If i were to set a boundary that i would not discuss the trauma but would discuss my symptoms and how it impacts my daily life, am i likely to be seen as non compliant? I can’t risk being cut off but i do not want what happened to me being known or discussed

I think that you are on STD and you have been sent to an IME so quickly (usually you hear of an IME during LTD when it is going to change from your own occupation to any occupation) the insurer maybe looking to get a paid opinion/assessment to cut your off so you don’t even get to the LTD stage. You might be better off to disclose everything to the IME psychiatrist so they have a better understanding of the challenges you deal with.

I suspect this isn’t a choice.
Would it be acceptable to you if your therapist talked to their psychiatrist?
You have to ensure in writing that their psychiatrist won’t disclose details to their psychiatrist.
I would talk to your therapist first and see what they think.

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I honestly feel sick to my stomach. What happened to me is none of their business. This feels like revictimization.
The best part is the insurance company is my employer. These are my peers who will be getting the report, who will sit around and talk about me and the details of my life. I’ll probably be sent to a psychiatrist who, if i return to work, I will be expected to work with.
This feels really destabilizing.


Yikes. Surely you should be able to demand an IME that doesn’t work where you do. I don’t see how a coworker could ever be an “independent” ME.

Really tough situation. I feel for you. You’re right, the report from the IME will detail everything you tell them and will be sent to the LTD company. When I did my IME, I misunderstood how it worked. I thought I had confidentiality between me and the psychiatrist and that they would only send a briefing to my insurance company / diagnosis. I was wrong, they sent my full life story, EVERYTHING, to my family doctor, and the LTD company. Presumably anyone at the LTD company could read it. Unfortunately I can see them just brushing this issue aside if you present it to them. And as far as withholding info from the psychiatrist, it won’t go well. When I did mine, “deception” or “withholding info” was a big thing. My psychiatrist made sure to let my LTD company know I was being fully truthful. The way it was phrased made me think that they are always suspicious of anyone who doesn’t give them the full story or withholds info. So if you choose to omit items from your past, then the doctor may claim you are being elusive or evasive. Sorry you are in such a tough spot. Are you unionized? If so this may be a question for them. Good luck to you!

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This is sounding more like a lawyer question.
I encourage you to get the free consult:

I understand your concern. Does the insurer/employer not have a separate confidential adjucation procedure when its own employee/insuree has a claim?

I also wouldn’t want my peers reading the deepest traumatic experiences of my life.

Are there any controls on who accesses the files or does every case worker have access to the full system? Is the access monitored?

Maybe ask them these type of questions in writing.

Has @David_Brannen come across this type of situation?