Previous Injury WCB?

In January of 2017 I experienced a slip at work where I sprained my right knee on some ice. I followed Dr. orders and had 2 weeks off work and my employer at the time opted to pay me my wage and told me it wasn’t going through WCB. They filed all the paperwork and the claim was approved but no payment was ever given to me from WCB. I never received any info regarding the claim and wasn’t contacted. I tore my right ACL a few months later under a new employer while I was playing ball hockey and went through the long process of waiting for an MRI and surgery. I recovered and made a full return to work with minimal physiotherapy treatments as it wasn’t something I could afford at the time. After being back to work for 3 months I had a slip and fall with the new employer where I tore my left ACL and I’ve been going through the recovery process since September of 2019. The left knee is fully recovered now thanks to a fantastic OR2 program, but I’m experiencing issues with the right knee which an MRI has shown to be a torn meniscus. I went on WCBs website and looked at the claim from 2017 for the 2 weeks I was off work, and that claim has the MRI I received in September of that year on it for the right knee. If they were connected and WCB had that MRI on file related to that injury, why was I not contacted? I looked into the file, and they didn’t even have my phone number at the time on file correctly. If the MRI was on file for that knee, should all of my time off not been covered via WCB and all of my rehab taken care of? Any info or opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Seems like your employer paid you for the time off for the 2017 injury. You should simply contact WCB with the claim number if you have concerns or want to make any claim related to that 2017 injury they have on file. They can possibly reopen it if you feel you have ongoing isssue from that injury that have not been addressed.

David Brannen

Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal

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