New diagnosis while on Long-Term Disability. What to expect next?

Well, my doctor told me that I was, most probably, misdiagnosed. Now I have a new disorder that is not visible and lifelong but manageable with the right treatment.

My LTD case manager just sent a new request to my doctor for an update on my current treatment. She’ll be quite surprised to hear “good news” from my doctor about my brand new condition and a different treatment plan.

What will my case manager do when she finds out that there is a new road ahead? Will she request an Independent Medical Evaluation?

P.S. I’ve been following my previous treatment plan for more than 5 years :face_with_raised_eyebrow: and have been on LTD for less than 2 years.

Misdiagnosis occurs and Insurers know this. By not visible do you mean no objective tests? I am so sorry you are dealing with this!

Not likely yet. Is your doctor referring you to a specialist…and if not–why not?

Meaning mental :star_struck: They looked at my current symptoms, symptoms that I experienced throughout my whole life and responce to different treatments including meds.

Thank you. Nothing I haven’t experienced before. Same stuff but different diagnosis :blush:

This was actually a diagnosis made by a specialist I see on a regular basis but other specialists overlooked it before :roll_eyes:

Just wondering what to expect from my current LTD case manager?

And my CPP-D application is not updated with this new condition as well.

Expect that they will want A LOT more information. I expect they will now get new internal medical reviewers verify what your doctor is saying and to scrutinize the treatment plan. It is possible they will want an IME.

While diagnosis is not as important as verifiable symptoms and impairment, insurers do care about diagnosis because it informs treatment. They always want to make sure treatment is optimal so people can recovery and no longer need LTD payments (from their view).

David Brannen

Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal

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Thank you so much, David, for your response!