My LTD provider usually gets medical updates from my psychiatrist and once in the past they asked my GP. It’s seems my psychiatrist doesn’t always send his reports to the GP. LTD said they would ask psychiatrist in the future. They again asked the GP for an update and as the psychiatrist reports were not up to date. They asked me to follow up. Shouldn’t the LTD provider being getting whatever reports they need or is this my job? I have been approved for CPPD so my health is not good in the first place. I have signed off on all paperwork that they can get medical information from whoever they want.
My policy says it is my job.
Unfortunately, it’s the disability claimant’s obligation to get and submit medical information to the insurer. Sometimes insurance companies will help with this, but they aren’t required to do so.
David Brannen
Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal
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