LTD advice for the coming months

I’ve been accepted under my LTD for about 6 months now and I have more questions than answers. In this case, total disability is of the “own occupation” variety extending to 65 y/o. However they started asking if I was able to take on “any occupation” and the possibility of filing a claim to CCP-D (which I’ll probably have to do).

In case CCP-D claim gets rejected how will that affect my LTD? Can they force me to take a minimum wage job or a “rehab” job of their choosing?

I can’t find anything in the contract other than them cutting a percentage of benefits if I do get a job and the rehab part only state that I need their approval to get one (though they do say that resources are provided to assist with rehab). Finally I can’t find anything in the “exclusions” regarding accepting/refusing said rehab job…

I’m new to this and don’t know what to expect. Any advice/insight is welcome.



Is it “own occupation” for 2 years and then “any occupation” until 65?

You will appeal CPP-D until you get it.

They can try but I think if you have medical support not to work, you would lawyer up then. :slight_smile:

*I* would probably apply (and I did) for CPP-D before your insurance company asks you to if medically you think you will.

Own occupation or similar one offered by employer

For now I can’t work at all, but I (hope) be able to work an easier/less demanding job in the future. The permanent aspect could be hard to prove for “any occupation”.

I just might, but I’m not sure I’ll get it. Own occupation is a given though.

If it’s “own occupation” until 65 then I don’t understand why the insurance company is asking about “any occupation”.
Don’t apply for CPP-D if your coverage is for “own occupation” until 65.

I don’t think they can if your coverage is “own or similar occupation until 65”.
I think you need a lawyer opinion.
I’m sure David will comment.

Looked at the brochure and it’s mandatory unless it leads to an actuarial reduction of the pension. Since I’m in my 30’s I think that applies to me, not sure though.

I hope you’re right…