I am ltd for more than 3 years. My insurance has put me on a rehab program andI just found out that the company’s therapists have horrible reviews. Its so bad that some people actually sued them. I have seen several people commenting that if the insurance puts you on such program, do not take it and seek legal help immediately. The problem is that I have already committed to the program and its set to begin. What should i do in this case. People say they will gather info and will use it against you to cut you off.
On the other hand I have also seen David’s videos where he does emphasize to take any program insurance recommends and by refusing such programs, insurance has the opportunity to deny benefits. Should I take legal help at this point? Please advise? I am extremely stressed due to this.
Andew, We discussed this issue yesterday on our weekly webinar. Not sure if you were there. But the TLDR is that you really have no choice but to attend the rehabilition program like this. Many LTD plan contractually require insured people to attend treatment like this. If you refuse, your insurer may be able to stop your LTD because of this contractual requirement. And they would be justified in doing so. Best to attend these programs with an open mind and don’t focus on the reviews. These are licensed health professionals. If you do the program and don’t agree with their recommendations or conclusions you can challenge that on appeals. Give a full effort in the program and be respectful of them so you don’t give them opportunities to say you didn’t take it seriously or didn’t give full effort.
David Brannen
Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal
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