IME assessor recording the session

I’ve read in this forum people saying record your IME so you can write accurate notes later. Well I didn’t do that because I did sign a paper stating I agree I won’t be recording and didn’t want to be caught violating what I signed (in case I faint or something and they go through my belongings.)

However, I would like to know if anyone is aware of IME assessors recording the session for their notes. I thought that they wouldn’t do that because if the insurance company is sued, and it goes to court, all evidence including the IME assessor’s recording would have to be submitted, and the IME doctor wouldn’t want to risk that (in case the report contained inaccuracies which were actually not in the recording).

I have received my neuropsych IME report, and it states nearly everything I said during the session. They are weaved into the report, word for word, exactly as I said them, in quotation marks " ". These are not just short words, but phrases and sentences. Maybe that’s a good thing, as I have read other people saying their IME report was full of inaccuracies, but that wasn’t the case with mine (though the final diagnoses I believe are inaccurate).

I saw the IME assessor’s assistant taking notes whenever I took a break, moved about in my chair, or said something. But she was just jotting something down very quickly and not writing down sentences. I am thinking she was taking notes of the time of when I made the comment, so she could check the recording later. There is even a part in my IME report which makes me wonder if I was being video recorded in the room (not by a third party investigator that does “surveillance” for insurance companies.) I do not recall signing consent to being recorded in any way inside the session room during the IME so I am wondering if it’s even allowed.