Finally received the official approval letter

I would just like to say thank goodness to this site for the how to’s when applying or appealing cpp disabilty claim . We originally got denied took a chance and thought let’s write our own reconsideration letter breaking down how clearly the return denial responses were not even looked at or that there was reasoning that was not even pertaining to my husbands case spent many hours looking back on past topics and advice jammer you were so hopefully when I asked questions etc … so with all this said amazing site amazing real people with real lives experiences
Thank you to each and everyone of you
We were finally appproved !!! And a nice lump sum of money is coming our way just in time for Christmas

Any advice to someone like me who had no clue what to do or where to look , never give up and appeal appeal appeal !!
Best of luck to each and everyone


So happy for you and your spouse!

Great news, I am glad it worked out.

Right on! Enjoy the benefits.

Good for you, can you shed some light on what additional information you provided in the reconsideration stage?

Hi smiley so we asked for a copy of the file from service Canada as per instructions on this site it does take awhile we asked for it immediately and got it 26 days later so meanwhile we wrote just a simple letter stating we wanted a reconsideration decision based on previous information that was not correct . So when we received the 69 pages I could clearly see it had not been read meaning the notes that they had provided the info was they called and the date was a Sunday which the office in Chatham was not open even got s copy of the hours from there website also stated from all doctors my husband is not capable of any physical activity pertaining to a job weither part time or fulltime and it was on all pages submitted on behalf of my husband
The original person whom looked at my husbands claim which gave us the denial stated false facts for denial meaning my husband had left eye migraine which was treated in meds so I numbered all the reasons 1-3 and no where in reports did it say anything about left eye migraines
I also stated that the “ original person who denied his claim “ stated that they had tried to contact him on 3 different occasions however all dates were on a Sunday and then I questioned if the file was even looked at never the less if you are denied answer the reasons for denial 1- whatever many reasons they denied original claim and state the facts like I did . My husbands age I too referred to as he is under 45 that I felt that this too was another reason for denial I challenged everything with reasons and facts and low and behold within 5 weeks we had an approval as a matter of fact when service Canada called they apologized for the denial the women was very polite
Now remember the 4 month waiting period you get no money for they did back date it from 4 months after the original disability
This site offers so much advice and I looked and looked endless hours for answers I even asked questions and everyone was so helpful so if you have been denied and on to reconsideration stage challenge them and don’t give up as frustrating as it was we never gave up …
Best of luck to all who has been in the same situation


Thank you so much. I am waiting for a response from them since August. I had received an initial call because I forgot / did not know about authorization. So eagerly waiting after Insent them that. Appreciate the help.Do they call you or just send the offer letter to you?

They did both called and letter

I called them after 4 months.

Jammer, what did they advise?

They told me I’d been approved.
Many people are not told anything.
Some people are told a medical adjudicator will call or they are waiting for more information from the applicant’s doctor.
You should be able to find out where in the process your application is.
There is no point in calling before 4 months (unless you’re terminally ill).

Did they call you on phone or did you just get the letter?
My daughter has been Ill and applied last January and just got a call yesterday but she missed it
I know of someone who recieved a call and was approved

I called them and they told me over the phone (I don’t think they do that anymore) and I got a letter after.
You might see payment information on your online Service Canada account.
I would call them if you applied in January.
If they won’t tell you make sure you ask if they have all the information they need (ie. not waiting on your doctor for more information, etc.).
Best of luck.