Denied benefits for Dr ordered leave for work-caused threatening environment

Out of an incident where the company asked for my cooperation with a statement against bullying they failed to protect my confidentiality soling my reputation with work mates after 27 years at a major auto manufacturer. Company even failed to protect my statement - which a copy of was found in my locker at work. Doctors ordered medical leave, have complied with all requirements and was rejected on the basis that the disability was not ‘physical’ in nature. Insurer is Sunlife, automaker is Toyota.

It would be more appropriate to handle these kind of issues through Human Rights Commission or the Ministry of Labour.

Insurance companies are not very eager to approve a disability after you were involved in an interpersonal conflict at work. They may just look at it as if you are unwilling to go to work because of the work environment and not an actual illness.

Disability leave would mean that you have some mental or phisical impairments that prevent you from doing your job (supported by specialists’ opinion).

Unless this incident was caused by an actual illness or caused impairments that limited your ability to work afterwards it may not cut it.

You should consult an employment or a disability lawyer.

Fight back–if you have a medical illness -depression, post traumatic stress or another diagnosis then you qualify for benefits.
Not sure if you are unionized and how that might affect the process. Also apply to workers compensation if it is an illness caused by a workplace injury. Also there is EI medical leave.

Talk to a lawyer-research your rights and similar cases.