CPP disability benefits for dependent children and child support

Is the CPP Disability Benefit for Dependent Children Child Support, I need to know whether the benefits a child recieves on behalf of a parent can or should be considered as the child support payment of that parent. even though the dependent child receives a T-slip for the income and may have to pay income tax on it.

My ex-partner is claiming that the monies my child received from CPP while attending university because he claimed a hearing disability, is child support.

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I am only able to guess… the answer may need a family lawyer to state definitively…

I think that if you are full custody or primary care giver, you are entitled to CPP child monies…

I would think if child is over 18 and in school, plus in receipt of the CPP child benefit monies, there may be an exception…

I am only guessing too. From a broader policy perspective I believe that that is the underlying intent in setting up the program, but for an individual paying support I believe that they would need to apply to modify the child support order based on the guidelines amount for their reduced income. Many people who receive CPPD have other sources of income.

The CPP Disability Children’s Benefit is a benefit paid to the child. It is owned by the child therefore, it is not “child support” in the usual sense. CPP disability income can be “income” for purposes of paying child support. I can’t speak to your specific situation so you should get specific legal advice.

David Brannen

Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal

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