CPP-D Income Taxe Refund

CPP-D declared me disabled in April 2016 (after being on sick leave from work) but only received the decision lettre in Oct 2018. CRA website indicated that once you get CPP, the employer needs to reimburse the CPP contributions back to the time you were found disabled. The employer should fill form PD24 and check the square that indicate the reason of the refund Worker considered disabled under CPP or QPP" “date worker was considered disabled”. So CRA can adjust the income taxe and refund the employer for the overpaid CPP contribution and (I think the employee). Unless the employer needs to fill up a new T4 too?

From the website canada.ca
“Your employee is considered to be disabled under CPP
An employee who is considered to be disabled under the CPP does not have to contribute to the CPP. Deduct CPP contributions up to and including the last pay dated in the month in which the employee becomes or is considered to be disabled according to the letter that Service Canada sent to the employee. When prorating, use the number of months up to and including the month the employee is considered to be disabled.”

My former employer refuses to fill up this form and its impacting numerous employees on sick leave who receive CPP disability or leaving on medical discharge.

In my case its about 23 months I overpaid in CPP that could be reimbursed. But if the employer refuses to fill up the PD24 what can I do to get my money back?

How would employees pay into CPP if they are too sick to work?

Does Service Canada not send your employer a letter in regard to this reimbursement? I would call them and ask if one was sent. Perhaps they (or CRA) can send one on your behalf?
The employer needs to give a reason as to why they won’t complete the form. Request this in writing.

From a quick google search, it looks like CRA will step in if you submit a complaint to them. It involves a reassessment of tax returns. I am unsure though if they will reimburse you directly and then request payment from the employer by shorting their CRA payroll account.
(Not to get your hopes up, but this is my accounting experience when it comes to payroll items from over/under payments connected with CRA)

How did you pay into CPP? Did you work from April 2016 to October 2018?

I was off duty sick, during that time it was employer who covers for disability payments before insurer kicks in after medical discharge.

I retired in Feb 2018. But only got approved CPP in Oct 2018 after going through a medical expertise.

I didn’t know that you can return CPP contributions. I think I contributed 6 month into CPP during my sick leave.

Why don’t you call CRA then?

Elaine I did… thus the PD24 form the employer refuses to fill and my question here.

And refund of CPP is not due to being on sick leave but because being approved CPP-D and the retroaction. But the approval is linked to being on sick leave.

I though you said you can submit a complaint to CRA if your employer refuses to fill out the form.

While I was off sick and my employer was paying me (before LTD,), I don’t think any CPP was deducted.