Comparing CPP contributions to CPP-D with no CPP contributions

It is not a choice so I am just curious.
If somebody worked for 10 years then they would have 10 years of extra CPP contributions.
I have heard CPP doesn’t count the years on CPP-D against you but those extra CPP contributions would give you a higher payout, right?
Plus yearly CPP-D increases would probably be less than employment raises, right?

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The system has changed recently. I am not an expert on the new system so verify what I say if it matters to you.

  • Old system drops out CPPD months from the calculation of contributory period but doesn’t earn you credits so you are basically frozen except for CPI increases.

  • The new system will give you credits of 70% of what you had been earning, increasing CPP credits while you are disabled instead of dropping them out.

So people who got disabled late in career may get less (as their 100% years are getting diluted with 70% years) while people who are disabled early before earning much will benefit by continuing to accrue credits.

The YMPE adjustments before you start your CPP will make up for general wage inflation, but it won’t make up for how people tend to earn more individually as their work experience increases.

There is also some weirdness that happens between ages 60 and 65, if you stop being disabled but don’t return to work you can end up with a higher CPP by taking it early instead of by deferring.


That applies to me.
I was just curious since I heard on the news that salaries are increasing a lot.
It is what it is.

I have ~10 years on CPP-D (unless I die).
I figure in that time if I was still working I’d have at least doubled my salary.

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