Clarification re: LTD's retroactive payments from CPP-D

Hi again
I just need clarification about overpayments if approved for CPP-D while on LTD.
Wont know until Sept 2017.

(Diagnosed with Sarcoidosis in 2007 - entrance to lungs but did not take time off work - improved in about 8 months - disease still there but trace/stable or dormant .- don’t think CPP-D would look at that date but not sure.

Relapse and progression of Sarcoidosis in 2014 with worsening of disease. Diagnosed with Sarcoidosis in Lungs, heart and systemically - lymph - Nov 27, 2014. Pushed thru until Feb 2016 - treatment not working & too ill to work

Re: Worsening of symptoms: started off with a 10 week medical leave - Feb 18, 2016 - paid by hospital
Approved for STD - April 28, 2016 - declined June 26 (not enough medical info), won appeal and reinstated until July 6, 2016 (end of short term coverage).
LTD - approved July 7, 2016 - ongoing Two year mark is Feb 18, 2018.
60% of my salary and I pay the taxes which are taken off insurance payment.

If approved for CPP-D, my understanding is that insurance company can take out retro active payments (over payments) from CPP-D from when I started my STD on April 28, 2016 and then going forward they would just subtract what I get monthly from the CPP-D from what they pay me monthly on LTD.
However, if I get retro payment from CPP-D to cover Nov 2014 (first diagnosed) to Feb 18, 2016 while still working and not on LTD - LTD would not be entitled to that income - only from STD April 28 onward.
Thanks for clarification

CPP-D will only go retroactive from 15 months from the date you applied- no matter how long ago you qualified.

The only exception is if you could not apply earlier due to a severe mental impairment and/or you were physically unable to apply earlier .(Think coma)

And from the retro the first 4 months there is no payment (like a deductible) So you only can receive 11 months retro.

Thank you! I sent a reply earlier but I don’t think it got saved.

You can only get 12 month of retroactive payments from CPP-D (as per their website).

I personally don’t expect to pay retro for an STD period as it was managed by a different insurance company.

The reimbursement to LTD Insurer is only for the months where there was an overlap of LTD payment and CPP retro payment.

David Brannen

Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal

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I don’t know I was on STD, I was on something called “salary continuance” where I got reduced paychecks from my employer (my understanding is they get this money back from the insurance company) and now I am definitely on LTD.

I’m afraid if I don’t know how everything works that I’ll be taken advantage of.

The STD period is normally not part of the period of CPP/LTD reimbursement under the Policy. I think you just need to wait and see what they propose as the reimbursement.

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Thank you for this information - just trying to understand this so I can be prepared.

Thank you David! I think I am just getting over anxious with all of this and not feeling well to bout.