Can I earn more than the $6100 limit if I'm self employed and have business cost

Hi, I’m on the CPP disability, and I’m thinking about going back to work part time on my delivery job and freelancing work, they’re both self employment. I’m aware I could earn $6100 for the year 2021. But the cost of business like car insurance, driver’s licence, maintenance and laptop cost more than $6100 making it not worth it, I wonder if I could earn more than the $6100 limit to offset the cost of business.

Thank you,

I recommend self employed people advise CPP disability when their Gross Revenue (before deduction of any expenses) meets the reporting threshold. You can then report the Gross Revenue vs Profit after expenses to them and they will take that into account. They don’t automatically cut you off at $6,100, its just they want it reported so they an understand the context of the earnings.

David Brannen

Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal

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